Welcome back to another exciting school year! Please be in community with your peers and join us for our kick-off Third Thursday event on September 21st, 2023 from 3:00-4:00pm EST.
Facilitators: Melissa Guadron and Adriana Deptula
Topics: Meet and Greet; Third Thursday Topic Brainstorm
Description: New to RHM or Third Thursdays? Wondering what this group is about and how your interests might align with the field? Come to our first Third Thursday of the year! You’ll get space to share who you are and what you’re working on and to meet the Medical Rhetoric Standing Group leadership team. We’ll also brainstorm topics for this year’s upcoming Third Thursdays. All are welcome!
This year’s Third Thursdays are organized by the CCCC Medical Rhetoric Standing Group. For questions or to facilitate a future Third Thursday, contact the chair, Lilly Campbell at lillian.campbell@marquette.edu.
Zoom Access Info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9332537009
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