Welcome to the open-access repository site for the journal Rhetoric of Health & Medicine (RHM). Here you will find various featured digital content (e.g., research videos, multimedia reviews, searchable bibliography) as well as other open access content that appears in journal issues. All of this material is also available on the journal’s main website. This repository site will help improve the access and searchability of select journal content, and will provide the journal and its published authors additional tools for tracking the reach and impact of this content.

To access full current and past issues, learn about author guidelines and submit and article, and subscribe to the journal, go the journal’s main websiteRHM seeks to bring together humanities and social scientific research traditions in a rhetorically focused journal to allow scholars to build new interdisciplinary theories, methodologies, and insights that can impact our understanding of health, illness, healing, and wellness.

The rhetoric of health and medicine (RHM) is an interdisciplinary field that engages with rhetoric and rhetorical principles in some way, usually through the intersection of rhetoric, research, health and medicinal practices, patient advocacy, scholarship, and teaching.

 The goals of RHM are to:

  • Facilitate the interdisciplinary nature of complex issues associated with the medical field and its relationship to other fields.

  • Advance research around issues of health, medicine, and research through bi-annual symposiums, the RHM journal, and an active online Facebook group: Flux.

  • Relay accessible information to all interested in the field through a variety of modes and systems regardless of education level.

  • Investigate ways to help the general public better understand content surrounding individual health, community health, and national/international health topics.

The following links are designed to help guide you through navigating this website. Each point below corresponds to a broad interest that are tabbed throughout this website. Just read what you’re looking for, and the corresponding link will take you to a tab that’s more specific to that topic.

  • If you’re looking for a personal contact list, the history of medical rhetoric in technical communication, and/or the gallery from previous events, please click here.

  • If you’re searching for the link to the symposium information, it is here.

  • If you are looking for the tab of peer-reviewed published articles in the RHM journal, please click here.

  • If you’re new to the field or want to peruse the types of work RHM scholars engage in, visit this link to the bibliography tab. Located here are books, edited volumes, articles and book chapters, and special journal issues to help familiarize yourself.

  • If you are an educator and are looking for examples of graduate syllabi, assignments, undergraduate syllabi, and/or teaching resources, please click here to be redirected to the appropriate tab.

  • If you are a public expert and are looking for help with research projects and/or a directory of resources, please click here.

  • If you are looking for resources such as related sites of interest, alliances, research resources, and/or journals, please click here to be redirected.

This subfield spawned from special interest groups (SIGs) at conferences through writing studies, and in 2013 a symposium brought together some of the top scholars from Communication, Technical and Professional Communication, Composition, and English Studies. Hence, the subfield, RHM, was officially born.