Assistant Editors’ Interview with Dr. David Gruber and Dr. Jason Kalin

Cathryn Molloy and Erin Trauth

Date posted: November 2018

RHM Assisant Editor Podcast Interview with Dr. David Gruber and Dr. Jason Kalin on their article,”Gut Rhetorics: Towards Experiments in Living with Microbiota”

Topic: microbiota, rhetoric of health and medicine, gut rhetorics


Assistant Editors’ Interview with Dr. Berkeley Franz and Dr. Dan Skinner

Cathryn Molloy and Erin Trauth

Date posted: September 2018

RHM Assistant Editor Cathryn Molloy interviews Dr. Berkeley Franz (Ohio University) and Dr. Dan Skinner (Ohio University) on their article, “From Patients to Populations: Rhetorical Considerations for a Post-Patient Compliance Medicine”