1:45-4:30pm Poster Session
Rehumanizing the Study and Practice of Medicine through Writing
In recent years, medicine has privileged an evidence-based approach that often devalues the whole patient; however, writing is working to reorient medicine to its humanity. This poster explores two case studies that demonstrate this shift, argues for writing’s role in developing compassionate medical professionals, and offers practices for the teaching of writing in the health professions.
Speaker: Kristin LaFollette, University of Southern Indiana
10:30-11:45pm Panel Sessions
A.39 Hope through Care
This panel asserts that new avenues of hope are most accessible to us when we engage in our work through/with/within embodied practices of community care.
Continental C (lobby level)
Presenters: Kristin Arola, Michigan State University
Maria Novotny, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ames Hawkins, Columbia College Chicago
Karrieann M. Soto Vega, University of Kentucky
Respondent: Steven Hammer, St. Joseph’s University
12:15-1:30pm Panel Sessions
B.08 Rhetorics of Pain: Distress, Harm, and Healing in Academic and Everyday Life
This roundtable brings together scholars across rank in our field (e.g., PhD student, lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, full professor) to consider the rhetoricity of pain through seven key constructs. After introducing the panel and establishing access needs, the panelists will give brief remarks and leave ample time for conversation and questions.
Salon A-5 (lower level)
Chair: Margaret Price, The Ohio State University
Speakers: Christina Cedillo
Jo Hsu, University of Texas at Austin
Stephanie Larson, Carnegie Mellon University
Vyshali Manivannan, Pace University-Pleasantville
Devon Pham, University of Pittsburgh
Margaret Price, The Ohio State University
Remi Yergeau, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
3:15-4:30pm Panel Sessions
D.12 Medical Rhetoric and Health Disparities: A Course That Utilizes Hope and Reflection to Reimagine Our Definitions of Identity, Access, Power, and Equality
This panel will describe and discuss an interdisciplinary course exploring the rhetoric of medicine and health disparities. Our panel will provide an overview of the goals of the course, the collaboration between the Medical School and the Rhetoric Department, and suggestions for developing curriculum that supports moments for learning that are intersectional, collaborative, and transformative.
Blvd. B (2nd floor)
Speakers: KM Begian-Lewis, Wayne State University
Carly Braxton, Wayne State University
Jule Thomas, Wayne State University
D.13 Beyond Reproductive Rights: Enacting a Justice-Oriented Approach in Scholarship on Reproduction
As reproductive rights policy and discussion enters a new era, we examine how a reproductive justice oriented approach moves us beyond thinking about what rights (particularly abortion rights) should be available to all people to what justice entails for families in our local, regional, and national communities.
Blvd. C (2nd floor)
Speakers: Megan Faver Hartline, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Kristiana Perleberg, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Janie Raghunandan, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Shui-Yin Sharon Yam, University of Kentucky
D.19 Articulating Pain in the First-Year Writing Classroom
In her groundbreaking study The Body in Pain (1985), Elaine Scarry argues that pain destroys language. Drawing on recent developments in the health humanities and disability studies, this roundtable discussion questions whether pain might be understood instead for its sharability—its facilitation of conversation through language.
Marquette (3rd floor)
Speakers: Jess Libow, Haverford College
Clare Mullaney, Clemson University
Sarah Nance, United States Air Force Academy
4:45-6:00pm Panel Sessions
E.34 The Impact of Online Learning Environments
These individual presentations explore how online learning environments and digital spaces shape identity.
Room 4B (4th floor)
Speakers: Caitlin Allen, University of Louisville, “But Have You Tried Yoga: Wellness Culture, Chronic Illness, and Circulation in Online Spaces”
8:00-9:15am Panel Sessions
F.16 Advocacy Rhetorics in the Work of Reproductive Justice
This roundtable examines scenes of reproductive justice advocacy in order to identify discursive strategies and their material benefits. What do principled, impactful acts of reproductive justice advocacy and solidarity entail, and how might they constitute a rhetoric, or set of persuasive moves that can be named and replicated?
Williford A (3rd floor)
Speakers: Erin Frost, East Carolina University, “Do No Harm: New Reproductive Justice Conversations and Rhetorical Strategies for Becoming Involved”
Sheri Rysdam, Eastern Oregon University, “Rhetorical Interventions by Volunteer Doulas in Labor and Delivery”
Jill Swiencicki, St. John Fisher College, “Senator Wendy Davis and the Rhetoric of Reproductive Justice Brokering”
Hannah Taylor, Clemson University, “Writing Health Activism: A Rhetoric of Health and Medicine Approach to Reproductive Justice in the Classroom”
9:30-10:45am Panel Sessions
G.08 Medical Rhetoric Roundtable: Doing Hope in Health and Medicine—Action and Intervention
This roundtable, sponsored by the Medical Rhetoric Standing Group, aims to foster interactive discussions of possibilities for doing hope as action and/or intervention through rhetoric of health and medicine (RHM) research and teaching aimed at ameliorating current pressing problems and global events.
Sponsored by the Medical Rhetoric Standing Group
Continental C (lobby level)
Chair: D. Mollie Stambler, Arizona State University
Roundtable Leaders: Cristina De Leon-Menjivar, Old Dominion University
Bryna Siegel Finer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Priyanka Ganguly, Virginia Tech University
Emily Gresbrink, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Brian Harrell, Northeast Ohio Medical University
Cathryn Molloy, James Madison University
Tori Thompson Peters, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jamie White-Farnham, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Chenxing Xie, North Carolina State University
8:00-9:15am Panel Sessions
J.19 (Re)Writing Our Histories, (Re)Building Our Worlds: Doing Hope in the Archives
This panel features archival research on Black educators, women’s peace activists, interracial women’s movements in the 1800’s and 1960’s, and chronically ill mothers. Merging feminist, queer, critical race, and disability rhetorical frameworks, the panelists reveal the generative possibilities of hope as archival practice to unsettle oppressive ideologies while helping us build the future.
Marquette (3rd floor)
Speakers: Cristina De Leon-Menjivar, Old Dominion University, “‘Dear Spoonie Mom’: Blog Posts as Counterstories for Chronically Ill Mothers”
Megan McIntyre, Sonoma State University, “Antiracist Histories, Antiracist Futures”
Ruth Osorio, Old Dominion University, “Am I Not a Sister: Literacies of Solidarity from the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society”
Emily January Petersen, Weber State University, “Archival Research in South Africa: Hope from the Women’s Movement for Peace”
Lamaya Williams, Old Dominion University, “The Problems We Share: How Past Rhetorics of Allyship Inform Contemporary Coalition Building”
12:30-1:45pm Panel Sessions
M.26 Exploring Public Health Discourse
These three individual presentations focus on distinct public health discourse context and explore their pedagogical implications.
Lake Michigan (8th floor)
Speakers: Jacqueline James, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, “Navigating Credibility and Uncertainty in Public Health Discourse: What Microbiome Research in Popular Magazines Can Tell Us about Teaching for Layered Literacies”
Daniel Kenzie, North Dakota State University, “Epidemiological Literacy in the Classroom and the Public Sphere”
Molly Kessler, University of Minnesota, “Navigating Credibility and Uncertainty in Public Health Discourse: What Microbiome Research in Popular Magazines Can Tell Us about Teaching for Layered Literacies”
Munira Mutmainna, George Mason University, “A Narrative Inquiry of Health Rhetoric of South-Asian Immigrant Communities in the US Healthcare System”
Mollie Stambler, Arizona State University, “Navigating Credibility and Uncertainty in Public Health Discourse: What Microbiome Research in Popular Magazines Can Tell Us about Teaching for Layered Literacies”
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