Call for Assistant Editors for RHM journal

Call for Assistant Editors for Rhetoric of Health & Medicine

We seek two Assistant Editors to work with us on the new journal, Rhetoric of Health & Medicine (RHM), published by the University of Florida Press. To get a description of the journal, go to

The journal will have a robust, dynamic website and social media presence. One of the primary purposes of both is to give the journal a public-facing presence, to help connect its research to broader groups of stakeholders (e.g., practitioners, policymakers, publics) who could benefit from it. To this end, the journal’s website and social media could feature: 1) accessible overviews of the journal’s published research; 2) engaging video or podcast interviews with research authors (and perhaps participants); 2) commentaries by expert rhetoricians on timely topics. The other primary purpose of the journal’s Web presence, of course, is to promote the journal as a scholarly forum among rhetoricians and other scholars.

Working with the editors, the two assistant editors will shape RHM’s website and social media strategies and content. Initially, the assistant editors’ responsibilities will likely include:

  • Marketing the journal and key content through social media outlets;
  • Assisting authors in marketing their work;
  • Arranging and completing video or podcast interviews with authors or other rhetoricians around topics that align with journal issues;
  • Writing accessible overviews of published work and its implications for public audiences;
  • Helping to coordinate the journal’s marketing with affiliate organizations;
  • Helping to build the RHM community through encouraging subscriptions and submissions online and at various conferences.

We anticipate that the two assistant editors would together need to devote 3-5 hours a week with more time right before and after an issue is published.

Applications should include:

  • A brief statement that summarizes your interest in the position;
  • A brief description of any ideas for public-facing marketing and for collaborating with the other assistant editor;
  • A cv.

Send applications by April 24, 2017 to

Initial queries or questions should be directed to either Lisa Meloncon ( or Blake Scott, co-editors (

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