Zoller, H. M., & Dutta, M. (Eds.). (2008). Emerging perspectives in health communication: Meaning, culture, and power. London: Routledge.

  • Dutta, M. & Zoller, H. Theoretical foundations: Interpretive, critical, and cultural (pp. 1-38).
  • Bosticco, C., and Thompson, T. L. Let me tell you a story: Narratives and narration in health communication research (pp. 39-62).
  • Cripe, E. T. Supporting breastfeeding(?): Nursing mothers’ resistance to and accommodation of medical and social discourses (pp. 63-84).
  • Geist-Martin, P., Sharf, B., & Jeha, N. Communicating healing holistically (pp. 85-112).
  • Lupton, D. “You feel so responsible”: Australian mothers’ concepts and experiences related to promoting the health and development of their young children (pp. 113-128).
  • Melkote, S. R., Krishnatray, P., & Krishnatray, S. Destigmatizing leprosy: Implications for communication theory and practice (pp. 129-154).
  • Auger, S. J., DeCoster, M. E., & Colindres, M. D. Teach-with-stories method for prenatal education: Using photonovels and a participatory with Latinos (pp. 155-181).
  • McDermott, V. M., Oetzel, J. G., & White, K. Ethical paradoxes in community-based participatory research (p. 182-202).
  • Villagran, M., Collins, D., & Garcia, S. Voces de las colonias: Dialectical tensions about control and cultural identification in Latinas’ communication about cancer (pp. 203-223).
  • Camacho, A. O., Yep, G. A., Gomez, P. Y., & Velez, E. (2009). El Poder y la Fuerza de la Pasión: Toward a model of HIV/AIDS education and service delivery from the “bottom-up” (pp. 224-246).
  • Dutta, M. J., & Basnyat, I. Interrogating the radio communication project in Nepal: The participatory framing of colonization (pp. 247-274).
  • Murphy, A. G., Eisenberg, E. M., Wears, R., & Perry, S. J. Contested streams of action: Power and deference in emergency medicine. (pp. 275-292).
  • Ellingson, L. L. Changing realities and entrenched norms in dialysis: A case study of power, knowledge, and communication in health care delivery (pp. 293-312).
  • Harter, L. M., Deardorff, K., Kenniston, P., Carmack, H. J., & Rattine-Flaherty, E. Changing lanes and changing lives: The shifting scenes and continuity of care of a mobile health clinic (pp. 313-334).
  • Stokes, A. Q. The paradox of pharmaceutical empowerment: Healthology and online health public relations (pp. 335-364).
  • Conrad, C., & Jodlowski, D. Dealing drugs on the border: Power and policy in pharmaceutical reimportation debates (pp. 365-389).
  • Zoller, H. M. (2008). Technologies of neoliberal governmentality: The discursive influence of global economic policies on public health. (pp. 390-410).  New York: Routledge.
  • DeSouza, R., Basu, A., Kim, I., Basnyat, I., & Dutta, M. The paradox of “fair trade”: The influence of neoliberal trade agreements on food security and health (pp. 411-430).
  • Wood, R., Hall, D. M., & Hasian Jr, M. Globalization, social justice movements, and the human genome diversity debates (pp. 431-448).
  • Zoller, H. & Dutta, M. Emerging agendas in health communication and the challenge of multiple perspectives (pp. 449-463)