ATTW & CCCCs Events 2020

For folks going to ATTW and CCCCs March 24-28 in Milwaukee, WI, following are some RHM events. (If you have a question or event to add, contact Lisa.)

RHM Happy Hour

Thursday, March 26 from 4-30ish-6:00

Rock Bottom restaurant and Brewery about .3 miles from the convention center (

Happy Hour is held at a location close by with a wide variety of drink options (alcoholic to non-alcoholic)  and is a drop in event meant for you to come by and say hey and meet new folks or talk with old friends.

SIG Meeting

Thursday, March 26 from 6:30-7:30 102 B (Wisconsin Center)

RHM Dinner

Every year after the MedRhet SIG, a group of SIG members continues the fun over dinner. This dinner usually happens organically. But this year, being that Milwaukee is Liz Angeli’s hometown and my house is a $14 Lyft ride from the convention center, she’d like to invite anyone interested to my house for a casual dinner.
The menu includes the Angeli family pasta sauce and meatballs, sides, drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and dessert.
For anyone with dog allergies or concerns: I have a lovely 65-pound old English sheepdog who will be at the party.
If you’re thinking of attending, please fill out this form to help me plan for the dinner.
Questions? Email me at

Conference Sessions


Multi-layered Power in Advocacy, Health Technologies, and GPS Design

  • Sarah Warren-Riley, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
  • Leah Heilig, Texas Tech University
  • Edzordzi Agbozo, Michigan Tech

Access and Justice in Science and Health Contexts

  • Nathaniel Voeller, Penn State University – Determining Depression Management: Language, Access, and Power in the Interactive Designs of Depression Apps
  • Bill Hart-Davidson, Michigan State University, and Dawn Opel, Food Bank Council of Michigan – Fighting Systemic Bias in Electronic Health Records Systems: Taking the Technical Communiation’s Social Justice Turn to Automated Clinical Decision Support
  • Danielle Stambler, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities – Healthy Eating and the Power of Institutional Wellness Discourse
  • Douglas Walls, North Carolina State University  – Usability Testing, Experience Design, and the Problem of Access(ing) in Citizen Science Projects

Interventions in Health and Medical Communication

  • Candice Welhausen, Auburn University – Crack, Opioids, and Visualizing a Drug Abuse Epidemic: Toward a Social Justice Ethic in the Construction of Data Visualizations
  • Lillian Campbell, Marquette University – Rhetorical Body Work: Unpacking Health Providers’ Physical, Emotional, and Discursive Training
  • Nancy Henaku, Michigan Tech – Communicating Health in Women’s Magazines: Expert Voices, Biopolitics and Postfeminist Subjectification

Justice in Medical and Science Communication

  • Barbi Smyser-Fauble, Illinois State University – Tweeting for Reproductive Justice: How Twitter Can Help Technical Communicators Compose Socially Responsible Medical Texts about (In)Fertility
  • R.J. Lambert, University of South Florida – Beyond Communicating Risk: Peer-to-Peer Harm Reduction in Online Drug Forums
  • Mark Hannah, Arizona State University, and Lora Arduser, University of Cincinnati – In the Shadows: An Examination of Doctor-to-Doctor Interactions and How They Shape Doctor-to-Patient Communication
  • Holly Shelton, University of Washington – Science Writing Uptake: Tracing Ways of Knowing

Medical Communication in Practices and Pedagogies

  • Blake Scott, University of Central Florida – Leveraging “Patient Empowerment” through Micro-Influencers
  • Kimberly Tweedale, University of North Texas – Fitting In and Making Waves: Why Fitbit Users Cheat the System
  • Tristin Hooker, The University of Texas at Austin – Tweeting Zebras: Social Networking as Advocacy for Rarely-Diagnosed Conditions
  • Molly Kessler, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities – Rhetorical Listening & Cultural Competence: Developing Pedagogies for Health & Medical Writing Courses


Thursday: 10:30-11:45

A.18  Composing around/through Health: Exploring Wellness, Illness, and Dis/ability in the Teaching and Practice of Writing

This session will consider how health is an emergent commonplace in the practice and teaching of writing. Attendees will hear brief presentations and work together to develop new in-class activities, assignments, research projects, and writing practices.

  • Speakers: Savannah Foreman, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • Drew Holladay, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
    Sarah Singer, University of Central Florida, Orlando
    Emi Stuemke, University of Wisconsin, Stout

Thursday: 1:45-3:00

Poster Session:(De)Composing the Body: An Exploratory Study of Deathcare Documentation Practices in Mississippi
This poster presents results from an exploratory pilot study investigating the documentation practices of the deathcare industry in Mississippi. Results are situated within larger conversations taking place within the fields of technical/ professional communication and the rhetoric of health and medicine.

Speaker: Wilson Knight, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

C.01 Describing and Deconstructing Rhetoric of Health and Medicine’s Commonplaces

This roundtable will hope to offer insight into commonplaces that are implicit in RHM work in order to deconstruct any “borders” these might be creating and, in turn, provide guidance on how we might keep our borders fluid and open to new ideas, energies, and participation.

  • Chair: Cathryn Molloy, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
  • Avery Edenfield, Utah State University, “DIY HRT: Expanding RHM through Applied Queer Theory”
  • Erin Fitzgerald, Auburn University, “Navigating Ethical Boundaries in Research”
  • John Gallagher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Vaccination Topoi: Expanding Rhetorical Understanding of Vaccine Support”
  • Heidi Lawrence, George Mason University, “Vaccination Topoi: Expanding Rhetorical Understanding of Vaccine Support”
  • Teresa Henning, Southwest Minnesota State University, “Am I Doing This Right? Using Rhetorical Commonplaces to Transform Self-Care Texts for Heart Failure Patients”
  • Caitlin Ray, University of Louisville

C.44 Researching Rhetorical Commonplaces in Health

Executive Ballroom C (Hyatt)

From digital design to (re)defining relations of cells and tissues, panelists explore rhetorical commonplaces in health research.

  • Chair: Justin Dykes, University of Houston, TX
  • Speakers: Tori Thompson Peters, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “A Dose of Cells: The Rhetorical Molecularization of Human Cells and Tissues”
  • Suzanne Rumsey, Purdue Fort Wayne, IN, “Narratives of Rare Disease and Invisible Illness: Recruiting a Patient’s Body of Knowledge for Her Own Care”
  • Evelyn Harry Saru, University of Texas, El Paso, “‘Glocalization’ of Health Information: Considering Design Factors for Mobile Technologies in Malaysia”
  • Patti Wojahn, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, “‘Glocalization’ of Health Information: Considering Design Factors for Mobile Technologies in Malaysia”

Friday: 9:30-10:45

G.40 Birth, Death, Assault, and Control: Translating Rhetorical Agency

Solomon Juneau Room (Hilton)
Working at the intersections of feminist theory and medical rhetoric, this panel explores and extends commonplace understandings of “agency” and “translation” in rhetorical theory. Presentations (re)consider these concepts in the liminal spaces between medicine and politics, life and death, examination and assault, and agency and control.

  • Chair and Speaker: Marika Seigel, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, “Birth behind the Iron Curtain: Rhetorical Agency Reconsidered”
  • Amy Koerber, Texas Tech University, “Translation and the Rhetorical Power of Medical Expertise: A Critical Examination of ‘Medically Appropriate’ Behavior”
  • Kim Hensley Owens, Northern Arizona University, “Examining Threshold Choir: Toward a Transpersonal Theory of Rhetorical Agency”
  • Jenna Vinson, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, “Covert Commonplaces about Pregnancy and Control: Studying a Neoliberal Translation of Feminist Agency”

Waking Up: Creative Nonfiction That Breaks Silences on Illness and Caregiving

Pere Marquette (Hyatt)

Writers of medical narratives will share stories that break silences about sickness and pain and trouble notions of wellness and ability. Each panelist will deliver a short narrative on illness, caregiving, or teaching the medical humanities, and then facilitate a writing exercise on a prompt inspired from the narratives.

  • Chair and Roundtable Leader: Ann Green, Saint Joseph’s University, Bala Cynwyd, PA
  • Leonora Anyango-Kivuva, Community College of Allegheny County
  • Anna Leahy, Chapman University
  • Christy Zink, George Washington University


Friday: 12:30-1:45

Western Constructs in Non-Western Environments

Wright Ballroom B (Hilton)
Exploring ways in which scholarship and medical rhetoric may be decolonized and become more inclusive of global communities.

  • Chair: Emily Cooney, Arizona State University, Phoenix
  • Speakers: G. Edzordzi Agbozo, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, “Pharmaceutical Writing in International Contexts: A Case of Multinational Drug Literature”
  • Michael Madson, Medical University of South Carolina, “What Does ‘Globalization’ Mean in Technical Communication?”
  • Eric Rodriguez, Michigan State University, East Lansing, “Communities of Care as a Commonplace for Professional Writing and the Decolonial Project”

Friday: 2:00-3:15

Rhetorics of Healthcare: Technical Tools, Decision Making, and Access

Lakeshore Ballroom C (Hyatt)
Presentations engage how rhetoric impacts the use of technologies in healthcare common places, such as clinics and emergency care.

  • Chair: Kelle Alden, University of Tennessee, Martin
  • Speakers: Russell Kirkscey, Penn State Harrisburg, “Adapting to the Health Needs of Older Adults: Complex Usability and User Experience”
  • Mariel Krupansky, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, “The Choice: Examining Inclusivity and Decision-Making in a Family Planning Clinic”
  • Zac Wendler, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, “Procedural Rhetoric in the Intensive Care Unit”

Friday: 11:00-12:15

H.10 Performing Bodies, Disrupting Commonplaces

103 A (Wisconsin Center)

Strategies for subordinating social scripts and disrupting expectations that limit mental health, body positivity, and feminist community.

  • Chair: Lorie Stagg Jacobs, University of Houston, Clear Lake Speakers: Stacy Cacciatore, Clemson University, SC, “Fativism: Disrupting Gender and Body Normative Roles as a Form of Social Activism”
  • Rachel Dortin, Wayne State University, “Performed Bodies Perform Commonplaces: A Qualitative Study of Embodied Ecofeminist Pedagogy and Community Partnerships”
  • Abby Wilkerson, George Washington University, Washington, DC, “Subordinating Scripts: The Production of Depression through Rhetorical ‘Transactions,’ and Possibilities for Intervention”

Friday: 2:00-3:15

J.49 Teaching Health and Medical Writing Today: Envisioning New Commonplaces

Regency Ballroom A (Hyatt)

This interactive panel offers a set of new commonplaces—and specific teaching tools for them—to bring together expertise in professional
and technical writing in the health and medical professions in order to reimagine writing instruction for 21st-century clinical practice: one that increasingly involves collaborative, networked, and distributed writing.

  • Chair: Elizabeth Angeli, Marquette University
  • William Hart-Davidson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, “Writing in Clinical Practice: Three Commonplaces for Teaching and Learning”
  • Barbara Heifferon, Louisiana State University, “Commonplaces for Connections between Health Professionals and Writing Teachers”
  • Maria Novotny, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, “Facilitating Pedagogical Commonplaces via the Health Decision Aid”
  • Dawn Opel, Michigan State University, East Lansing, “Writing in Clinical Practice: Three Commonplaces for Teaching and Learning”
  • Respondent: Lora Arduser, University of Cincinnati, OH

Saturday: 12:30-1:45

Whose Experience? Whose Knowledge? Resituating Healthcare and Disability Commonplaces

Wright Ballroom A (Hilton)

How is knowledge built within healthcare and mental health environments? Whose stories are researchers able to access and engage?

  • Chair: Dorothy Worden, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
  •  Caitlin Burns, University of Louisville, TN, “Ethics and Access in Mental Health Archives”
  • Melissa Guadrón, The Ohio State University, Columbus, “Mental Health Personal Experience Narratives”
  • Katherine Morelli, Northeastern University, “Decolonizing the Clinic: Challenging What Counts as Knowledge and Expertise in Health Care Settings”




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