CFP: 4th Biennial
Rhetoric of Health Medicine Symposium
Join us in Downtown Orlando, FL September, 5-6, 2019!!
The symposium is a mix of highly competitive, open-call papers and invited participants, which results in a diverse gathering of scholars (from graduate students to full professors) from a variety of disciplines and fields. Breakfast is included in your hotel rate, and lunch and snacks are provided.
Unlike other conferences, the RHM Symposium is all about conversations. Therefore, what you are proposing is your work-in-progress that will be work-shopped in small groups. Past attendees have found this feature to be not only helpful to their own work but also, invigorating to intellectual inquiry.
The rest of the time together will have us engaging in conversations around different questions, topics, and concerns. Following are a list of scholarly areas, writ large, that are emerging as key concerns for RHM scholars. However, all works-in-progress that combine rhetorical analysis with any number of other methodologies, including critical/cultural analysis, ethnography, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis are definitely welcome and encouraged.
The RHM symposium seeks to bring together humanities and social scientific research traditions in a rhetorically focused way to allow scholars to build new interdisciplinary theories, methodologies, and insights that can impact our understanding of health, illness, healing, and wellness.
Potential categories
- materiality
- embodiment
- multiple media elements/technologies
- genre
- critical theory
- intercultural/global/translingual
- intersections with other areas such as disability, tech comm, etc.
- research methodologies, methods, and practices
- health citizenship and publics
- historiography/rhetorical history
- critical race theory
- ethics
Submission Criteria
Your full proposal should include:
- Contact information (name, affiliation, email)
- Designate faculty or graduate student **(see note below!)
- Type of work: tell us if this is part of a potential article, chapter in an edited book, dissertation chapter or prospectus, work for another conference, book proposal, etc.
- Choose one broad category (from those above) you feel you are most suited for
- Title of your project/proposal
- Proposal of up to 1000 words to ensure that the program review committee has a good sense of your ideas. (It can be less and this word count is not including citations.)
Send proposals to: ^^(see note below!)
Important Dates
April 10, 2019 : Proposals Due:
April 25, 2019: Decisions (see Symposium Planning Committee for the review team.)
August 21, 2019: Works-in-progress ~5000+ words.
These will be circulated among participants that are assigned to small, related groups. The papers will be the basis of how we structure our conversations and allow you the opportunity to have your work-in-progress read closely by other scholars in the field. Top papers will be selected, and the editors will work with those authors to prepare them for submission to the journal, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine.
If you have questions, please contact Lisa Melonçon, symposium chair, at
The in-progress Schedule is already posted.
** Graduate students will automatically be considered for the Barbara Heifferon Graduate Student Fellowship, awarded to the top graduate student submission. The fellowship pays for travel and lodging.
^^If you are in between projects and do not have something specific to propose for a works-in-progress and still want to attend, please send an email to the symposium address and tell us that.