Maria Stewart

Maria Stewart

Title: Adjunct lecturer and graduate assistant

University: Kent State University/Tri-C East

Description of Work:

Although I am a fledgling RHM scholar, I am a lifelong learner. Wellness and thriving have intrigued me since childhood as do writing and the creative process. In my work I look at the power of words, both read and written, to support and initiate change.

I am interested in therapeutic applications of reading and writing and the role of music to promote learning. As a writing teacher I emphasize creativity development and urge on my students’ research acumen; without flow experiences within their grasp — and something meaningful to reach for — students will not do their best work. I have taught writing in traditional and nontraditional settings and all ages.

As a licensed counselor I am likewise concerned with quality of life for my clients. I strive to help them work through blocks, learn to celebrate their own strengths, and seek to build healthier relationships. I have worked in chemical dependency treatment facilities, college counseling, employee wellness, and private practice.

My influences in counseling are DBT-informed approaches, Rogerian rapport and listening, and positive psychology. As the daughter of immigrants who experienced extreme trauma, and having weathered a degree of adversity myself, I am sensitive to the historical differences of individuals without losing sight of our common humanity. Future areas of interest will include ecotherapy and animal-assisted therapy. I write a column at called “A Kinder Campus” and on called “Sun Messages.”

I have been isolated in my work at times and eager to collaborate with likeminded writers and teachers. I am a science buff obsessed with the brain, but I am also a poet who loves the power of words and images — in almost any order.

